I made this blackjack game by writing up a blackjack simulator in Python, simulating a bunch of games, and then studying how the player did. Simple console based ATM Simulator This is an ATM Simulator project written in Python which is a simple console based system which is very easy to use and performs various functions. Python-blackjack How to run. Clone this repo to a location on your drive. Then navigate to the folder in the terminal. Once you are in the repo, use the command: python3 blackjack.py The game will now begin. The objective is to get a hand total. Blackjack Python Github to play an unauthorised game or cash our early. The event center at hollywood casino charles town wv. Maximum cash out- know how much you can withdraw when using this casino bonus although the amount Blackjack Python Github usually ranges Blackjack Python Github from $50 with no upper limit. The 21 BlackJack, now in Python,. Contribute to Davichet-e/BlackJack-Python development by creating an account on GitHub.
I made this blackjack game by writing up a blackjack simulator in Python, simulating a bunch of games, and then studying how the player did. Simple console based ATM Simulator This is an ATM Simulator project written in Python which is a simple console based system which is very easy to use and performs various functions. Python-blackjack How to run. Clone this repo to a location on your drive. Then navigate to the folder in the terminal. Once you are in the repo, use the command: python3 blackjack.py The game will now begin. The objective is to get a hand total. Blackjack Python Github to play an unauthorised game or cash our early. The event center at hollywood casino charles town wv. Maximum cash out- know how much you can withdraw when using this casino bonus although the amount Blackjack Python Github usually ranges Blackjack Python Github from $50 with no upper limit. The 21 BlackJack, now in Python,. Contribute to Davichet-e/BlackJack-Python development by creating an account on GitHub.
Github Blackjack Python Cheat
importos |
importrandom |
deck= [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]*4 |
defdeal(deck): |
hand= [] |
foriinrange(2): |
random.shuffle(deck) |
card=deck.pop() |
ifcard11:card='J' |
ifcard12:card='Q' |
ifcard13:card='K' |
ifcard14:card='A' |
hand.append(card) |
returnhand |
defplay_again(): |
again=raw_input('Do you want to play again? (Y/N) : ').lower() |
ifagain'y': |
dealer_hand= [] |
player_hand= [] |
deck= [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]*4 |
game() |
else: |
print'Bye!' |
exit() |
deftotal(hand): |
total=0 |
forcardinhand: |
ifcard'J'orcard'Q'orcard'K': |
total+=10 |
elifcard'A': |
iftotal>=11: total+=1 |
else: total+=11 |
else: |
total+=card |
returntotal |
defhit(hand): |
card=deck.pop() |
ifcard11:card='J' |
ifcard12:card='Q' |
ifcard13:card='K' |
ifcard14:card='A' |
hand.append(card) |
returnhand |
defclear(): |
ifos.name'nt': |
os.system('CLS') |
ifos.name'posix': |
os.system('clear') |
defprint_results(dealer_hand, player_hand): |
clear() |
print'The dealer has a '+str(dealer_hand) +' for a total of '+str(total(dealer_hand)) |
print'You have a '+str(player_hand) +' for a total of '+str(total(player_hand)) |
defblackjack(dealer_hand, player_hand): |
iftotal(player_hand) 21: |
print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand) |
print'Congratulations! You got a Blackjack!n' |
play_again() |
eliftotal(dealer_hand) 21: |
print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand) |
print'Sorry, you lose. The dealer got a blackjack.n' |
play_again() |
defscore(dealer_hand, player_hand): |
iftotal(player_hand) 21: |
print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand) |
print'Congratulations! You got a Blackjack!n' |
eliftotal(dealer_hand) 21: |
print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand) |
print'Sorry, you lose. The dealer got a blackjack.n' |
eliftotal(player_hand) >21: |
print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand) |
print'Sorry. You busted. You lose.n' |
eliftotal(dealer_hand) >21: |
print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand) |
print'Dealer busts. You win!n' |
eliftotal(player_hand) <total(dealer_hand): |
print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand) |
print'Sorry. Your score isn't higher than the dealer. You lose.n' |
eliftotal(player_hand) >total(dealer_hand): |
print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand) |
print'Congratulations. Your score is higher than the dealer. You winn' |
defgame(): |
choice=0 |
clear() |
dealer_hand=deal(deck) |
player_hand=deal(deck) |
whilechoice!='q': |
print'The dealer is showing a '+str(dealer_hand[0]) |
print'You have a '+str(player_hand) +' for a total of '+str(total(player_hand)) |
blackjack(dealer_hand, player_hand) |
choice=raw_input('Do you want to [H]it, [S]tand, or [Q]uit: ').lower() |
clear() |
ifchoice'h': |
hit(player_hand) |
whiletotal(dealer_hand) <17: |
hit(dealer_hand) |
score(dealer_hand, player_hand) |
play_again() |
elifchoice's': |
whiletotal(dealer_hand) <17: |
hit(dealer_hand) |
score(dealer_hand, player_hand) |
play_again() |
elifchoice'q': |
print'Bye!' |
exit() |
if__name__'__main__': |
game() |